Research Administration
Today's researchers face many challenges, from competition for grant funding to work-life balance. Recognizing this, Dana-Farber’s Office of Research supports researchers by providing an infrastructure that facilitates and enhances outstanding research.
The Office is directed by Michelle Cox, Senior Vice President for Research Operations at Dana-Farber. Michelle Cox and Kevin Haigis, PhD, Dana-Farber’s Chief Scientific Officer, work together to ensure that the Office anticipates and responds effectively to the needs of the Dana-Farber research community.
General Resources
Research Integrity and Compliance
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is committed to ensuring the veracity of research conducted under its oversight and has put policies and procedures in place to ensure that its research meets the highest of ethical standards. The Office of Research Integrity and Compliance is responsible for providing education, guidance and institutional support to faculty and institutional leadership in the areas of conflict of interest, research misconduct and general issues of research integrity. The Office of Research Integrity and Compliance also provides general advice to faculty regarding interactions with industry and reviews the outside consulting agreements of faculty and research staff to ensure such activities comply with institutional policies.
For more information: 617-632-4457 or by email at
Core Facilities and Research Support Services
The Office of Research Support Services provides financial and administrative oversight and support for core facilities and service centers. The Office also provides cross-departmental research laboratory support for functions including but not limited to purchasing, environmental health, facilities, research safety, and radiation safety.
For more information: 617-632-3566.
Grants and Contracts
The Office of Grants and Contracts supports faculty and other institute personnel in obtaining and administering funds for sponsored basic and clinical research projects. The Office is responsible for protecting Dana-Farber interests through the review of sponsored project proposals to federal agencies and non-federal institutions, contract and grant award review and negotiation, administration of funds, policy and procedure initiation and implementation, and coordination with grant and contract sponsors.
For more information: 617-632-3940.
Faculty Development
The Office for Faculty Development supports the career development of all faculty at the Institute. This is accomplished by facilitating efforts to enhance the diversity of faculty and faculty leadership, and helping to ensure a positive faculty work environment through such strategies as mentoring programs and work/life balance initiatives.
For more information: 617-582-8714.
Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Affairs
The Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Affairs Office provides a welcoming and supportive environment for postdocs and graduate students with the overall goal of continuing to attract outstanding candidates to the Institute. The Office is responsible for developing all policies and procedures related to the postdoc and graduate student experience. They also sponsor numerous seminars and provide a variety of support services designed to further career growth and development.
For more information: 617-632-4223.
Research Communications
Research Communications works closely with senior leadership and faculty to conceive and execute communication strategies that ensure research policy, news, and information reach faculty and staff. This includes managing research websites, promoting core facilities and funding opportunities, as well as sharing information on new research programs, services, and activities.
For more information: 617-632-4276.
Research Computing
Research Computing manages and supports information technology resources across the Institute. This includes providing software and other user applications, consultation on shared system management, software implementation and other user applications, shared knowledge expertise, and cross-institutional support. Research Computing also provides desktop support for Macs and non-standard PCs, handles shared software licenses, addresses enterprise-level backup and restoration issues, and manages hardware for user/lab data storage, websites, and databases.
For more information: 617-632-2597.
Robert and Renée Belfer Office for Dana-Farber Innovations
The Robert and Renée Belfer Office for Dana-Farber Innovations oversees technology transfer activities. This includes educating scientific staff about technology-transfer issues and assessing research discoveries from faculty for commercial potential. The Office works with an internal patent council to develop patent applications, negotiate materials transfer agreements, facilitate licensing to companies and start-up ventures, and negotiates research collaborations with pharmaceutical companies.
For more information: email
Clinical Resources
Clinical Trials
The Clinical Trials Office develops policies, procedures, and best practices related to clinical trials; coordinates submission and compliance; assists in the pre-review of protocols before submission for approval; and facilitates clinical research center (CRC) recruitment, onboarding and training. The Office also provides oversight and management of CRC teams, manages the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) team, and supports clinical trials programs at satellite locations and affiliates.
For more information: 617-582-7110.
Clinical Trials Agreements
The Clinical Research Agreements Office is responsible for review, negotiation, and execution of all legal agreements and contracts related to clinical trials and clinical research. The office staff (lawyers with an additional degree in a field of medicine) are designated as Institutional Officials and have the authority to sign legally binding contracts and agreements with corporate sponsors of clinical trials and clinical research.
For more information: 617-632-4192.
Clinical Trials Finance
The Clinical Trials Business Office provides a centralized, comprehensive program of support for sponsored clinical research. This includes negotiating research agreements and budgets for pre-study start-up phase industry- and investigator-initiated corporate funded clinical research studies. The Office also actively manages the post-study financial and contract amendment aspects of industry funded clinical research studies.
For more information: 617-632-6144.
Clinical Trials Education
The Clinical Trials Education Office provides systemic and ongoing clinical research and Good Clinical Practice educational opportunities and resources to faculty and clinical research staff. This includes required training in the area of human research protection issues for all faculty involved in clinical research.
For more information: 617-582-8422.
Human Research Studies
The Office for Human Research Studies provides regulatory guidance to investigators, research teams, and review committees and logistical support for Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and the Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC). The Office is responsible for training new research staff, assuring compliance with human subjects certification policies, and the training and education of IRB members. The Office also maintains a library and various online resources for clinical research faculty.
For more information: 617-632-3029.
Office of Data Quality
The Office of Data Quality (ODQ) supports clinical research at Dana-Farber through the development and implementation of quality control, quality assurance, and process improvement programs. ODQ reviews data and systems related to the conduct of clinical trials and reports to senior management on the ongoing status of clinical research activities.
For more information: 617-632-2114.
Additional Resources
Benacerraf Research Library
The Benacerraf Research Library offers a wide variety of journals, books, and online resources of interest to research faculty, staff, and trainees. Library staff is available to provide education and training on research techniques, and assist in obtaining resources from a network of external libraries.
For more information: 617-632-2489.
Environmental Health and Safety
The Environmental Health and Safety Department oversees the procurement, handling and disposal of hazardous materials at Dana-Farber. This Department conducts semiannual inspections of all clinical and research areas, and reviews to identify potential safety or health issues before they become life threatening. Services include certifications, emergency preparedness, environmental programs, ergonomics, exposure, research protocols, shipping and handling procedures, and training. This department oversees the BioSafety and Radiation Offices.
For more information: 617-632-3005.