Our Researchers

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To learn more about the many ways you can support Dana-Farber's research initiatives with a philanthropic gift, please contact Rebecca Shortle at 617-632-4215 or rebecca_shortle@dfci.harvard.edu.

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Enjoying worldwide respect for the impact of their research, the basic scientists and clinical investigators at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute are widely regarded as among the world's most influential scientific minds. Our investigators are performing and publishing work at the highest level – work that peers the world over have recognized as vital to the advancement of their respective fields of cancer research.

As leaders in basic, translational, clinical, and population science research, Dana-Farber researchers are advancing the field of cancer research on every front. In precision cancer medicine, in cancer immunotherapy, in genome discovery – we are taking a leadership role in the complex fight against cancer. Our investigators are relentlessly probing the molecular changes that cause tumors, testing new drug therapies, addressing the needs of cancer survivors, and improving the delivery of care to diverse populations.

Find A Researcher

Learn more about our researchers and find out how Dana-Farber supports our researchers through the Office of Research and the Postdoc and Graduate Student Affairs Office.

More About Our Researchers


Lab Websites

Many Dana-Farber researchers maintain external websites for their labs.


Awards and Honors

See a selection of recent examples of professional recognition given to Dana-Farber's staff, as well as honors awarded to the Institute.


Research Jobs at Dana-Farber

With a research career at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, you'll play an important role in helping to fulfill our mission and ultimate goal: the eradication of cancer and related diseases.


Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity

At Dana-Farber, we are committed to doing everything in our power to eliminate racial, socioeconomic, cultural, and other disparities in patient care, cancer research, and cancer treatment and outcomes.