Characterization of CPDM's Patient Derived Models

CPDM supports the characterization of patient derived models using various genomic and molecular approaches. Our standard approaches include:

  • Targeted Cancer Panel (ModelSeq)
  • Lineage Marker Expression NanoString panel (ModelExpress)
  • Low Pass WGS (ModelLP)
  • WES, WGS, RNASeq
  • STR Fingerprinting
  • Histopathology
  • In vitro Cell Viability Assay with PDX/PDCL in our semi-automated IncuCyte S3 live cell imaging platform and Tecan D300e drug dispensing platform
  • In vivo Studies with PDX/PDCL

Once characterization data is acquired, data will be uploaded to a private instance of cBioPortal for analysis and visualization.

Please email to learn more about our model characterization services.