Our Community: Serving Our Medically Underserved Neighbors


Partnering with Our Community

One of Dana-Farber's main goals is to reduce cancer risk among local and regional communities who have been historically marginalized. We work with city and state health departments, community partners, and Boston-based coalitions to assess and monitor the needs of local residents with respect to cancer care and control.

We are on the front lines of supporting and collaborating on programs designed to eliminate disparities in breast, colon, and skin cancer; educate diverse populations about tobacco cessation, human papillomavirus (HPV) prevention and screening; and strengthen the support system for medically underserved populations.

At Dana-Farber, we are committed to:

  • Increasing access to prevention, early detection, treatment, and care for medically underserved patients
  • Maximizing career and business opportunities for those populations
  • Increasing community involvement and earning positive perceptions of Dana-Farber

Dana-Farber in the Community

Dana-Farber is dedicated to meeting the health needs of high-risk and medically underserved populations in our communities.


Addressing Cancer Inequities

Dana-Farber's Chief Clinical Access and Equity Officer, Christopher Lathan, MD, MS, MPH, details health equity research that highlights key findings and recommendations on community outreach and engagement efforts of the National Comprehensive Cancer Centers.

Some of Our Community Involvement Initiatives


Community Outreach

Dana-Farber's Community Benefits office supports our goal of reducing cancer risk among medically underserved populations.


Mammography Van

Our Mammography Van is the only mobile digital mammography program in Massachusetts. The van provides screening mammograms and breast health education to women 40 years of age and older.


Community Health Initiative Funding

Dana-Farber is providing $5.4 million over four years to community organizations in Greater Boston to address access to services, with a focus on cancer control, and social determinants of health, with a focus on housing.


Community Health Needs Assessment Reporting

As an NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center, Dana-Farber is uniquely qualified to demonstrate measurable outcomes in reducing the cancer burden and marshaling the efforts of local partners who share our mission.


Legislative Action Network

Our Legislative Action Network (LAN) brings local and regional citizens together to advocate for legislation and public policies that improve the lives of cancer patients, cancer survivors, and their families.

In addition, Dana-Farber offers:

  • Sun Safety/Skin Cancer Prevention: Dana-Farber's Sun Safety/Skin Cancer Prevention Program works to reduce the incidence of skin cancer in Massachusetts through free education and free skin cancer screenings for the public.
  • HPV and Related Cancers Outreach: Our HPV and Related Cancers Outreach Program is a cancer prevention initiative to reduce the HPV-Related Cancer burden in our community through education and vaccination.
  • Tobacco Control and Lung Cancer Prevention: Dana-Farber provides several clinical programs to patients and community members, including smoking cessation counseling, lung cancer screening, and treatment.