Our Pediatric Advanced Care Team has served as a model program for pediatric institutions around the United States. Abby Rosenberg, MD, MS, MA, our Division Chief and medical director, is nationally recognized for her pediatric palliative care expertise.
Rosenberg and other members of the team participate in regional and national efforts to improve care for children with advanced illness.
The Pediatric Advanced Care Team's services include:
PACT members will work closely with your child, family, and primary care team to develop a comprehensive quality-of-life care plan. We do not replace your child's primary care team; rather, we support treatment of the illness and at the same time strive for optimal quality of life.
During your consultation, we will evaluate factors such as your child's feelings and health, your family's needs, and the care team's medical plan in order to make the best possible recommendations. Our clinicians can meet with your child and family at the hospital, at one of our outpatient facilities, or at your home.
Our team members want your child and family to make educated decisions. We are available to talk with you and provide educational resources on a variety of topics, including communication and decision-making, pain and symptom management, palliative care, hospice and home care, family dynamics, sibling issues, school interactions, and spiritual concerns.
It's important that your child and family have support both at the hospital and when you return home. We can help identify supportive agencies and community-based organizations. In addition, we can provide emotional and psychosocial support, and help arrange end-of-life care when necessary.
A consultation can be arranged at any time during your child's treatment. Our team is available to provide consultation 24 hours a day.