At Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Childhood Brain Tumor Center, we assemble an individualized team of pediatric brain tumor specialists who work together to develop recommendations for the most appropriate treatment for your child. A typical brain tumor patient care team will include neuro-oncologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, radiation oncologists, and other subspecialists with deep expertise in the specific types of brain tumors they treat.
Center Leadership
Lissa Baird, MD
Co-Director, Childhood Brain Tumor Center
Mariella G. Filbin, MD, PhD
Co-Director, Childhood Brain Tumor Center
Susan N. Chi, MD
Deputy Director, Pediatric Neuro-Oncology
Nicole Ullrich, MD, PhD
Director, Pediatric Neurologic Neuro-Oncology
Sanda Alexandrescu, MD
Director, Pediatric Neuropathology Fellowship Program